Flashback last August 2020, the collaborate Beauty session with Noriko of Wellbeing Makeup. Noriko did the makeup and I had color, body and style analysis for Japanese client, Ms M at my home salon.
The moment we first met at the pick up station, I saw her big smile, the elegant smile. We started the session with a cup of tea. We chatted a bit to know her better. The whole conversation was in Japanese. I felt sorry for her as my Japanese was not formal. I always told myself to learn better Japanese. Yes, just do it.

Alright, what I want to blog down here is about her, Ms M. She wanted to have color and body line analysis to dress well. The fact is she is already look like a star and the way she carries herself, her makeup and dressing. This is what I called - level up the confidence.
The bodyline analysis proved that the way she already put the right dress that suits her. A bit loose, but not too much, clothing compliment her "Natural" type bodyline.
She had a self check of color analysis by herself based on the fact from magazine - she thought "Autumn" color palette was for herself. However, the Color Analysis draping proved that "Winter" color palette look better for her skin tone. She also agreed that Winter color drapes made her look sharp. The autumn drapes made her face dull.

I picked the elegant Royal Blue and powerful Dark Purple as her best colors. She mentioned about her career plans too. I hope these colors can bring her the power she needs to elevate her career to the higher level. Her eyes gave me the impression, she will sure success.
I was glad to meet her, such a gorgeous lady! Thanks for coming, hope to see her again and chat.

Few days later, she wrote a lovely feedback to me. I'm touched! #thankful #ColorMeTokyo #Confidence https://www.colormetokyo.com