My recent trip to Malaysia, noticed most of the ladies are in Korean Eyebrow embroidery mostly darker and pretty straight. Eyebrows do set the frame of the entire face and look. Needless to say, to me, with this semi-permanent brows done on their face and the shape and color - they all look cool. The COOL beauty. Everywhere i went, in the mall or street - caught most of the ladies with straight thick brows. This is the trend in Malaysia? Do the brow really suit their face feature? According to some ladies, they don`t put much makeup. With the semi-permanent brows, they are ready to go out with sunblock and lipstick.
In Japan, brows are in softer tone - brown, light brown. Recently, adding color to brows are in trend to get beautiful and charming brows. My favorite eyebrow powder is Shiseido M

aquillage 3D pallete.